Jasper van de Pol

My name is Jasper van de Pol, I worked as a PhD student within the VAVI project. My research concerns the users and usage of VAAs and the effect of framing within VAAs. Do most users already understand their position in the political landscape and do they more or less know which party to vote for? Or are many users political ‘illiterates’ who use the VAA to gain more understanding of politics and to find out which party to vote for? Does the formulation (framing) of statements influence user’s understanding of political issues, and, indirectly, the personalized voting advice they receive? I defended my PhD thesis Dec 21, 2016 on “Voting wiser. The effect of Voting Advice Applications on political understanding” (ISBN: 978-94-6332-110-5). If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at j<dot>vandepol<at>uva<dot>nl.